Q: I want to tint my windows. Do you think that as a beginner I can produce a professional result?
A: Tinting windows takes time, patience, and a dust free environment. When purchasing window tint, make sure you comply with local and state laws regarding tint shades and placement. Professional tint installers use high quality tint, which is usually not what you find at a retail store. They use specialty tools such as a pressurized solution tank and a heat gun to form the tint to a curved window. If you have never tinted a window before and can’t get assistance from someone with experience, it might be best to bring your tint job to a professional for professional looking results. If you want to give it a try, always follow the exact directions on the product label and buy the best tint you can find. Be patient about working out air bubbles with a rubber squeegee and make sure you don’t trap any dust under the tint.