Auto Upkeep Competency Profile
Auto Upkeep was designed to provide all drivers with the fundamental knowledge and experience in owning and maintaining an automobile. For individuals that want to pursue Automotive Technology as a career, Auto Upkeep also provides a foundation of knowledge critical to maintenance, light repair, auto ownership, and how cars work.
Download here → Auto Upkeep Competency Profile
ASE Education Foundation (formerly known as NATEF)
The Auto Upkeep curriculum has been correlated to the ASE Education Foundation Maintenance and Light Repair (MLR) Task List. “The ASE Education Foundation is a non-profit organization that evaluates and accredits entry-level automotive technology education programs against standards developed by the automotive service industry. It also develops career-readiness education for students which fuse local partnerships, rigorous standard-based education, workplace experience, and mentorship together.” Accredited programs train students to become ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) Certified. Auto Upkeep correlates to beginning MLR standards (over 60%), making it an ideal first course in becoming an Automotive Technician.
Download here → Automobile Maintenance and Light Repair Task List – Auto Upkeep Correlation Matrix
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are the state standards for what students should know and be able to do. Each Texas course has a list of TEKS. Auto Upkeep correlates to 100% of TEKS for the Texas course titled Automotive Basics. “Automotive Basics includes knowledge of the basic automotive systems and the theory and principles of the components that make up each system and how to service these systems. Automotive Basics includes applicable safety and environmental rules and regulations. In Automotive Basics, students will gain knowledge and skills in the repair, maintenance, and servicing of vehicle systems. This study allows students to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems, and settings. The focus of this course is to teach safety, tool identification, proper tool use, and employability.”
Download here → Automotive Basics Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) – Auto Upkeep Correlation Matrix