
Fuses are used in electrical circuits to safeguard the vital components. A fuse has a sacrificial metal strip that will melt if too much current is trying to get to the intended load.

Fuse Types. Fuses can be broken down into two types: glass cylinder and blade style. Most vehicles from the 1980s and newer use blade style fuses. Some vehicles use smaller blade style fuses called mini-fuses.

Fuse Ratings. Fuses are rated in amps such as: 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, etc. Maxi-fuses are often found in higher current circuits. Always refer to the owner’s manual for fuse specifications.

Blown Fuse. When experiencing an electrical problem the first and easiest check is to look for a blown fuse. Look through the plastic part of the fuse to identify if it is blown. There is a wire filament in the fuse. If it is broken, you have found your problem. A fuse is rated so it is the weakest link in the electrical circuit to protect all of the components within that circuit. Warning: Never replace a blown fuse with a larger amperage rated fuse and never bypass the fuse completely by using a jumper wire or steel stock. Severe electrical damage could result.