Auto Upkeep (4th Edition © 2018) – Textbook

Auto Upkeep is an introductory automotive book that provides the fundamental knowledge and experience in owning and maintaining an automobile.

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Auto Upkeep (5th Edition © 2025) – Textbook


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Auto Upkeep Textbook

From choosing an insurance policy to performing basic maintenance and repair, Auto Upkeep is the do-it-yourself automotive guide for the driver in you. Auto Upkeep helps keep you safe and your vehicle reliable by providing easy-to-follow information with detailed pictures and drawings. Discover how to choose a quality repair facility, buy a car, handle roadside emergencies, diagnose common problems, and communicate effectively with technicians all while saving money.

Auto Upkeep: Maintenance, Light Repair, Auto Ownership, and How Cars Work is an introductory book that is intended to provide individuals with the knowledge to make economical decisions and take preventative measures to enhance the overall satisfaction of being an automotive consumer. The textbook and workbook activities provide the fundamental knowledge and experience in owning and maintaining an automobile.

Updates to the 4th Edition

Auto Upkeep has undergone an extensive revision with over 300 new illustrations and 88 additional pages. This edition continues to focus on what every car owner should know and be able to do, while also introducing students to the rapidly advancing field of automotive technology. By learning how cars work, students develop a solid automotive foundation. They can continue to build upon this foundation, if they choose to become a technician, or use their knowledge throughout life as an educated consumer.

ASE Education (NATEF) Correlations

The Auto Upkeep curriculum correlates to the entry level tasks within the 2017 National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) Maintenance and Light Repair task list.

Textbook Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction and How Cars Work
Chapter 2 Buying an Automobile
Chapter 3 Automotive Expenses
Chapter 4 Repair Facilities
Chapter 5 Safety Around the Automobile
Chapter 6 Tools and Equipment
Chapter 7 Auto Care and Cleaning
Chapter 8 Fluid Level Check
Chapter 9 Electrical System
Chapter 10 Lubrication System
Chapter 11 Fuel System
Chapter 12 Cooling System and Climate Control
Chapter 13 Ignition System
Chapter 14 Suspension, Steering, and Tires
Chapter 15 Braking System
Chapter 16 Drivetrain
Chapter 17 Exhaust and Emission System
Chapter 18 Alternative Fuels and Designs
Chapter 19 Automotive Accessories
Chapter 20 Common Problems and Roadside Emergencies

Weight N/A

Paperback, Hardcover